Weekly Update! 5/4
THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15AM - We are excited to continue our teaching series, "Thriving in Babylon," a series through the Bible's book of Daniel. The world we live in can be stressful and feel out of control at times. Instead of living in fear, discouragement and frustration, let's look to God's Word and see what we can learn from Daniel and friends as they learned to live for God in the midst of a godless culture.
NEW FRIENDS' LUNCH - Following our worship gathering this Sunday, May 7th, we will be having a New Friends Lunch for those who are newer to Faith church within the last 6-12 months! We want to get to know you, introduce our staff team, and answer your questions about Faith Church. You can still sign up! Click on THIS LINK, go to the "signups" tab on your Church Center App, or call the church office. We hope to see you there!
SPRINGFIELD SERVE TRIP – Please pray for our student ministry, along with Evangelical Bible Church, who are joining together to serve Immanuel Baptist Church’s physical campus needs in Springfield OR this weekend. If you want to help, but couldn't physically make the trip, there are a number of expenses we need to cover. In addition to your usual faithful and generous giving, would you consider helping financially to ensure the completion of the campus refresh in Springfield? If so, please mark your donations ‘Springfield’ and place them in the giving boxes in the worship center, or by mailing them to the Faith Church Office. Thank You! Contact jake@faithchurchdallas.org with questions.
NEXT LADIES EVENT - Ladies, let's get together for some dessert, some laughs, and some good conversation! Mark your calendars for May 18th from 6:30-8PM. Sign ups will be available in May. Looking forward to some sweet time together!
UPDATE REGARDING CHURCH FAMILY FINANCES - Last Sunday, the Elder Team (via Pastor Derek) gave a brief update regarding our church family finances. God provides for our church family through your generous, sacrificial giving. Last November, the church family was made aware that we were falling short of supporting the budget by approximately $9,000 per month. Since then, the budget was reduced by about $1,600 per month. Plus, your generous offerings have increased by over $3,000 per month. Thank you! Our leaders invited you to seek God's direction regarding your giving and you have responded! Please continue to pray that God will enable us to meet the budget. Continuing to operate at a monthly deficit could force some difficult financial decisions (that would affect people). Therefore, the Elder Team will continue to monitor and communicate with us about our church family financial situation. If you missed it last Sunday, please watch it here.
WORSHIP THROUGH GENEROSITY - God provides for the ministry of Faith Church through your cheerful, willing and generous giving. Thank you! You can submit your offerings in any of three different ways! Through our Church Center App, in the giving boxes on the back wall, or by texting any amount to 84321. All donations are tax deductible.
April 2023:
Budgeted: $40,648.00
Received: $40,259.69
Expenses: $37,443.01
2023 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $162,592.00
Received: $145,984.51
Expenses: $158,856.10
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