Weekly Update 2/22

JOIN US SUNDAY AT 10:15 - As we hear from God's word and learn some of what He is up to!

NEW FRIENDS' LUNCH  March 3rd. Following our worship gathering we will be having a New Friends' Lunch for those who are newer to Faith Church within the last 6-12 months! We want to get to know you, and for you to get to know us! To register, (so we can have enough food for you and childcare if needed) please click on this link! You can also sign up on the church center app through the signups tab. Please RSVP by February 28th

UNCHARTED WINTER RETREATMarch 1st-3rd. Our Middle School Ministry is having a Winter Retreat! We are teaming up with Dallas Alliance and Dallas church’s middle school ministries for an epic weekend in God‘s word and fun adventures together. If you know of, or have a middle schooler, who is interested in joining us, reach out to Pastor Jake via email jake@faithchurchdallas.org.

IF:Gathering March 15th & 16th – Ladies, come gather with us as we worship, pray, celebrate, laugh and learn together.  Please save the date! All women are welcome and encouraged to join us for this time of renewal and refreshment as we seek Jesus together! Invite your mom, sisters, friends, and neighbors! The live seminar takes place in mid February, but we plan to host and recast sessions March 15th-16th. We will kick off on Friday, March 15th with dinner and will conclude by 9:00PM. We will rejoin Saturday morning, March 16th, at 8:30AM and enjoy breakfast together, then finish our time together by 3:00PM. Lunch will be included as well. You are welcome to join us for any or all of this event!  Registration is open, sign up here.  Text Debbie 503.932.2294 or Lori 503.999.1018 for more info.

PALM SUNDAY BAPTISM - March 24th - We are doing an annual Palm Sunday baptism! If you, someone you know, or someone in your family is interested in getting baptized, please contact the church office or any staff member as soon as possible. Pastors and staff will also be available after the worship gathering on March 10th if you have any questions about baptism or are interested! Please check out this post to read more about baptism.

BOOK STUDY - March 20th - “Legacy Changer”, by Kristen Hallinan, was written to single ladies and moms with children still at home who are wanting to break generational chains of hurt and pain. With scripture and the latest brain science Kristen will walk us through the steps to redeem our story so we don’t unknowingly repeat the mistakes of generations gone before us. We will participate in weekly reading and homework, looking to Jesus our healer. Contact Shelli Hattan @ 503-623-7778 or Lori Schilling @ 503-999-1018. 

PRAYER TEAM -Did you know we have a Prayer Team committed to praying weekly for the needs of the church family? If you would like to receive weekly emails, as prayer needs arise, please contact the church office to be added to the Prayer Team.

WORSHIP THROUGH GENEROSITY - God provides for the ministry of Faith Church through your cheerful, willing, and generous giving. Thank you! You can submit your offering in any of three different ways! Through our Church Center App, in the giving boxes on the back wall, or by texting any amount to 84321. All donations are tax deductible.


January 2024:
Budgeted: $43,422.00
Received: $34,400.91
Expenses: $41,149.94
2023 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $43,422.00
Received: $34,400.91
Expenses: $41,149.94