Weekly Update 2/29

JOIN US SUNDAY AT 10:15 - As we study Jesus' revolutionary teaching in the Gospel of Luke, we'll discover the unexpected, counter-cultural nature of His "Upside-Down Kingdom" and be challenged to live out the ways of Jesus in our spheres of influence.

MEMORIAL SERVICE – March 8th- Chris Schmidt’s mother, Shirley Kuykendall, passed away February 24th. Please be in prayer for her family. Her Memorial Service will be held March 8th @ 11:00 am in the Worship Center.

 MEMORIAL SERVICE – March 13thPaul Baldwin’s wife, Alice, passed away February 24th. Please be in prayer for her family.  Her Memorial Service will be Wednesday, March 13th @ 11:00 am in the Community Center.

IF:Gathering March 15th & 16th – Ladies, come gather with us as we worship, pray, celebrate, laugh and learn together.  Please save the date! All women are welcome and encouraged to join us for this time of renewal and refreshment as we seek Jesus together! Invite your mom, sisters, friends, and neighbors! The live seminar takes place in mid February, but we plan to host and recast sessions March 15th-16th. We will kick off on Friday, March 15th with dinner and will conclude by 9:00PM. We will rejoin Saturday morning, March 16th, at 8:30AM and enjoy breakfast together, then finish our time together by 3:00PM. Lunch will be included as well. You are welcome to join us for any or all of this event!  Registration is open, sign up here.  Text Debbie 503.932.2294 or Lori 503.999.1018 for more info.

“LEGACY CHANGERS” MARCH 2Oth – Book study to redeem generational hurt and pain for young moms and young single women. Kristen Hallinan offers scripture and brain science as tools for change. Text Shelli 503-623-7778.


Saturday March 30th - help share part of the Easter story in our community to children and their families near the park through an easy activity. 

Sunday March 31st - help our kids with an Easter egg story and egg hunt Sunday morning. Contact Debbie - debbie@faithchurchdallas.org or 503.932.2294 for more information. Thank you!! 


  • March 24 - Palm Sunday Worship Celebration  - We are doing an annual Palm Sunday baptism! If you, someone you know, or someone in your family is interested in getting baptized, please contact the church office or any staff member as soon as possible. Pastors and staff will also be available after the worship gathering on March 10th if you have any questions about baptism or are interested! Please check out this post to read more about baptism.
  • March 29 - Good Friday Worship Gathering - We are excited to announce our next Worship Night will be on Good Friday, March 29th. This will be a time of reflection, worship, and an opportunity to partake in the Lord's Supper. Come to focus on the cross and prepare your hearts for Easter Sunday!
  • March 30 - Children's Community Easter Event  – “Get a Sense of Easter”. Use your senses to explore the Easter Story, plus an Easter egg hunt! 10:00 am – noon, Saturday, in the field across from Lyle School on Levens St. ministry.
  • March 31 - Resurrection Sunday Worship Celebration - We will gather together in the Worship Center to celebrate Easter Sunday at 10:15am.

 HOOKS & NEEDLES MINISTRY – MARCH 5th  – 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 10:00 am in conference room. Contact Chery White at 541-232-3473 for information.

WORSHIP THROUGH GENEROSITY - God provides for the ministry of Faith Church through your cheerful, willing, and generous giving. Thank you! You can submit your offering in any of three different ways! Through our Church Center App, in the giving boxes on the back wall, or by texting any amount to 84321. All donations are tax deductible.


January 2024:
Budgeted: $43,422.00
Received: $34,400.91
Expenses: $41,149.94
2024 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $43,422.00
Received: $34,400.91
Expenses: $41,149.94