Weekly Update 2/1
JOIN US SUNDAY AT 10:15 - As we study Jesus' revolutionary teaching in the Gospel of Luke, we'll discover the unexpected, counter-cultural nature of His "Upside-Down Kingdom" and be challenged to live out the ways of Jesus in our spheres of influence.
NEW FRIENDS LUNCH RESCHEDULE – **Please note we have changed the date. Following our worship gathering on March 3rd, we will be having a New Friends Lunch for those who are newer to Faith Church within the last 6-12 months! We want to get to know you, and for you to get to know us! To register, (so we can have enough food for you and childcare if needed) please click on this link! You can also sign up on the church center app through the signups tab. Please RSVP by February 28th.
CELEBRATION OF LIFE – Dan and Cathy George are past attenders of Faith Church. Dan went to be with the Lord on January 20th. There will be a Celebration of Life Friday, February 9th at 11:00 am in the Community Center. You can read about Dan’s life here: https://memorials.bollmanstributecenter.com/daniel-george/5366261/index.php
TEACHER APPRECIATION PRIZES - An Appreciation Lunch for all Dallas area schoolteachers and staff (hosted by the Dallas Ministerial Association) will include giveaway prizes. If you would like to help bless teachers/staff in this way, please drop off gift cards (between $10-50) in the church office by February 4th. Thanks!
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - Seasoned or beginner, whether you knit or crochet, please join us in this ministry as we crochet and knit to bring encouragement to others. We invite you to join us at church the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month from 10am to noon. Our 1st gathering will be February 6th. Bring your hooks, needles, and yarn. We welcome yarn donations. Questions? Contact Chery White at 541-232-3473 or Debbie Davies 503.932.2294
RED SUNDAY is February 18th - Valentine's Day is the time of year that gives us a perfect opportunity to discuss 'LOVE' with our children - specifically what the world says about love and what God says about love - His truth - and His plan. We do this on 'Red Sunday.' We invite kids and grown-ups to wear RED (or pink!) - and to bring a valentine to share. We use these as fun starting points for our 'love discussion.' We have snacks and activities during our class time to remind our kids 'it's all about love!' If you'll consider giving a treat or time, please let Debbie know. If you have questions, please text/call or email Debbie at 503.932.2294 or debbie@faithchurchdallas.org. We are so thankful for the Hope we have in Jesus and His great love for us. We are excited for a day to remind us to share that love with others! Your kids (and you!) are so loved!
IF:GATHERING 2024 - SAVE THE DATE!! IF:Gathering is a time for women to come together, worship and seek God. The live gathering takes place in late February, but we plan to host and recast sessions on Friday, March15th and 16th. Details and the registration link will be available soon. Help us spread the word by inviting ladies you care about and plan to spend this day and a half together! **If you would like to be part of the planning team - please text Debbie Davies 503.932.2294 or Lori Schilling 503.999.1018. We would love to have you!
WORSHIP THROUGH GENEROSITY - God provides for the ministry of Faith Church through your cheerful, willing, and generous giving. Thank you! You can submit your offering in any of three different ways! Through our Church Center App, in the giving boxes on the back wall, or by texting any amount to 84321. All donations are tax deductible.
December 2023:
Budgeted: $40,948.00
Received: $61,809.47
Expenses: $44,740.02
2023 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $491,376.00
Received: $500,155.73
Expenses: $500,252.68
More in Blog
January 9, 2025
Weekly Update! 1/9/2025January 2, 2025
Weekly Update! 1/2December 31, 2024
New Friends Lunch Correction! 12/31