Weekly Update 01/11
JOIN US THIS SUNDAY at 10:15 - Our teaching series, "Son of the Most High" continues this Sunday. As we study Luke 2 together, we'll discover the profound significance of the birth of Jesus, the Promised Rescuer who offers hope, salvation and life to all!
ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING ON JANUARY 28TH - After the morning worship gathering on January 28th, official members are encouraged to attend this meeting that will include elder elections and voting in regard to proposed bylaw changes (see the email we sent you on December 13th ). If you have questions about proposed bylaw changes, feel free to contact the elders - elders@faithchurchdallas.org Elders will also be available on January 21st from 9:30 to 10:00am in the chapel.
UPCOMING CHANGES TO THE ELDER TEAM - During our upcoming Annual Meeting, official members of Faith Church will vote to elect Elders to our leadership team. In preparation for that, we want to update you about the potential changes to the team. Marty Friesen and Grant Boustead are concluding their season on the Elder team, having served the maximum of two consecutive 3-year terms. Please join us in thanking them for their ministry among us! The Elder Team is thrilled to announce and highly recommend that the following three men be elected to serve as Elders - - Trevor Russell (reelection to 2nd term), Mikeal Davis (after one year away from the team), and Scott Russell (1st term).
INCLEMENT WEATHER PLANS -We love to gather together on Sunday mornings! Of course, there are times when weather may not permit this. We will do all we can to ensure our Sunday morning gatherings. However, in the rare occurrence of a closure due to inclement weather, here are a few ways we will get the word out: announcing on both social media and our website, as well as an all-church email. If you check those avenues of communication, and you haven't seen any update from us, we are still planning to gather! Of course, if you, at any time, feel unsafe traveling due to road conditions or weather, please stay home and safe.
TEACHER APPRECIATION PRIZES - An Appreciation Lunch for all Dallas area school teachers and staff (hosted by the Dallas Ministerial Association) will include giveaway prizes. If you would like to help bless teachers/staff in this way, please drop off gift cards (between $10-50) in the church office by February 4th. Thanks!
WORSHIP THROUGH GENEROSITY - God provides for the ministry of Faith Church through your cheerful, willing, and generous giving. Thank you! You can submit your offering in any of three different ways! Through our Church Center App, in the giving boxes on the back wall, or by texting any amount to 84321. All donations are tax deductible.
December 2023:
Budgeted: $40,948.00
Received: $61,809.47
Expenses: $44,740.02
2023 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $491,376.00
Received: $500,155.73
Expenses: $500,252.68
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