Philippians: To Live is Christ!

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Philippians: To Live is Christ!

July 1, 2018

Gospel Partnership

Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 4:14–23

June 24, 2018

Content in Christ

Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 4:10–13

June 17, 2018

Irrational Peace

Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 4:1–9

June 10, 2018

Gospel Progress

Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 3:12–21

June 3, 2018


Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 3:1–11

May 27, 2018

Lives That Inspire

Speaker: Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 2:19–30

May 20, 2018

Do You Work Out?

Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 2:12–18

May 13, 2018

A Jesus Mindset

Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 2:1–11

May 6, 2018

Grace Gifts

Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 1:27–30

April 29, 2018

To Live is Christ

Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 1:19–26

April 22, 2018

Advance the Gospel

Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 1:12–18

April 15, 2018

Founder and Perfecter

Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 1:3–11

April 8, 2018

Grace and Peace

Speaker: Derek Olson Series: Philippians: To Live is Christ! Topic: New Testament Passage: Philippians 1:1–2