Weekly Update 6/6

JOIN US SUNDAY AT 10:15 - As we study Jesus' revolutionary teaching in the Gospel of Luke, we'll discover the unexpected, counter-cultural nature of His "Upside-Down Kingdom" and be challenged to live out the ways of Jesus in our spheres of influence. 

NO WORSHIP GATHERING AT FAITH CHURCH ON JUNE 23rd - Please mark your calendar, as we will NOT gather at Faith Church on Sunday, June 23rd. Instead, we encourage you to attend the community wide worship gathering! See below...

"ONE" COMMUNITY-WIDE WORSHIP GATHERING June 23rd - We have a wonderful opportunity to unite in worshiping Jesus alongside believers from other Dallas area churches. We encourage you to attend "ONE", a community-wide worship gathering being held at the Dallas High School football field. There will be coffee/fellowship time at 10:30am and the Worship Gathering begins at 11:00am.

PASTOR MATT'S UPCOMING SABBATICAL - Back in April, Pastor Derek & Pastor Matt announced Matt's upcoming sabbatical that begins in July. You can read more HERE. Let's be praying for Matt and family! 

SATURDAY, June 29th, at 9:00am - We will be having a church workday! If you're interested in volunteering your time and skills to help clean up our landscaping, pressure-washing, general maintenance, and making our campus look excellent for the summer, we would love your help! We have a sign-up sheet in the lobby and HERE on the church center app .

We are working on getting a team together made up of people from our Church family who are excited about serving the body with their skills and gifts! If you would like to volunteer your time, skills, and resources to our Faith Church campus, please see Tami Russell in the lobby on June 9th and June 30th to sign up or contact her at 503-983-0272.

BABY BOTTLES FOR HOPE PREGNANCY CLINIC -  Sunday, JUNE 16th will be our collection day. If you have any questions, or need to arrange a different time for drop off, please contact the church office. 

WORSHIP THROUGH GENEROSITY - God provides for the ministry of Faith Church through your cheerful, willing, and generous giving. Thank you! You can submit your offering in any of three different ways! Through our Church Center App, in the giving boxes on the back wall, or by texting any amount to 84321. All donations are tax deductible. 


May 2024:
Budgeted: $43,422.00
Received: $45,253.84
Expenses: $40,062.42
2024 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $217,110.00
Received: $201,760.17
Expenses: $213,059.82


Blessings and love upon each and every one of you!