Weekly Update 8/1

JOIN US SUNDAY AT 10:15 FOR "OUTSIDERS INCLUDED" - As we study Jesus' revolutionary teaching in the Gospel of Luke, we'll observe His heart for the marginalized, see His mission "to seek and to save the lost" in action and be challenged to live out the ways of Jesus in our spheres of influence. 

AUGUST 18TH LOCATION & TIME CHANGE - On August 18th, our Sunday worship gathering will be held at 11:15am at Dallas City Park. We will NOT gather in our building that morning. Why? Please keep reading... 

BAPTISM & PICNIC ON AUGUST 18TH - We invite you to mark your calendars and plan to join us for our annual picnic & baptism celebration at Dallas City Park. Please plan to arrive at the lawn area by the footbridge by 11:15am and the worship gathering, including baptisms in Rickreall Creek, will begin soon after that. After that, we will provide a full picnic meal! Donations are welcome. Feel free to bring your family and friends to join in the celebration and feast! 

INTERESTED IN BEING BAPTIZED? - If you are a follower of Jesus and would like to learn more about the possibility of being baptized on August 18th, please reach out to a staff person or contact the church office ASAP - info@faithchurchdallas.org. Also, staff will be available after the worship gathering on August 4th. If you want to read more about baptism now, check out THIS POST.

AUGUST EVENTS FOR KIDS -  Most ages are welcome! We ask that children 5 and under please bring an adult when they attend to help join in the fun! If possible, register your kiddos the week prior to the event. Contact Debbie Davies with any questions at 503.932.2294. 

  • Go to the Movies - Join us to see Sing 2 or Minions:The rise of Gru in Salem! Bring $5 on August 6th - 10:00am to 1:15pm. Sign up here:
  • Donuts & Playground Fun - Hop in the church van ... pick your favorite from Benny's Donuts and then play at Wildcat Playground in Corvallis! Bring a lunch and $5 on August 12th from 9:30am to 1:30pm. Sign up here:

NEW TO FAITH CHURCH? - We'd love to meet you! Please join us for "Pastors & Popsicles" after the worship gathering on August 11th. This will be a 10-15 minute opportunity to meet some of our staff  team, enjoy a popsicle, and perhaps connect with others who are new. See you then!

PASTOR MATT IS ON SABBATICAL - Our Worship Pastor, Matt Ceiplis, is currently on sabbatical until October. You can read more about pastoral sabbaticals HERE. In the meantime, and with thanks to our many worship team volunteers (and occasional guest worship leaders), we'll continue lifting our voices in worship through music each Sunday. And we encourage you to be praying for Matt and family this summer!

WORSHIP THROUGH GENEROSITY - God provides for the ministry of Faith Church through your cheerful, willing, and generous giving. Thank you! You can submit your offering in any of three different ways! Through our Church Center App, in the giving boxes on the back wall, or by texting any amount to 84321. All donations are tax deductible. 


June 2024:
Budgeted: $43,422.00
Received: $36,816.07
Expenses: $43,878.68
2024 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $260,532

Received: $238,576.24
Expenses: $257,316.05

Blessings and love upon each and every one of you!