Weekly Update! 12/19

JOIN US THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15AM - This Advent season, we’ll hear the stories that Jesus told about a God who seeks, finds, and welcomes the lost. These parables echo the Christmas story itself: God’s pursuing love made visible when He sent His Son into the world to bring us back to Him. No matter where you’ve been or what your story is, you are deeply loved by God and always welcome in His family. 

CHRISTMAS CHEER - Our church family has a fun oppor-TUNA-ty to continue our support of Christmas Cheer! As we work together to feed families in Polk County, we will be collecting cans of tuna, chicken, and salmon through Sunday, December 22nd.  If you are able, will you please consider donating a few cans of food to help MEAT the needs of hungry people? Food boxes will be delivered on Christmas Eve morning. If you would like to help pack food boxes, please join us on Christmas Eve morning, 6:00 am at Polk County Fairgrounds. If you or someone you know could use some extra food this year, please sign up here or ask the church office for more information. Visit  www.dallaschristmascheer.com to learn more about this generous organization.

PHOTO BOOTH – Take advantage of our photo booth in the Worship Center! Feel free to take pictures with your friends & family through the rest of the Christmas season. We hope you enjoy taking part in this festive opportunity!

CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP at 4:00 PM- Please join us for a candlelight Christmas Eve service at 4pm. Children of all ages are welcome for this one hour celebration. We look forward to celebrating with you!

COCOA AND CHRISTMAS LIGHTS- If you are interested in an evening of viewing Christmas lights and sipping on some hot cocoa, please get in touch with Debbie Davies (503)-623-8034 or debbie@faithchurchdallas.org

FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY CLASS - If you’ve ever felt like you just can’t get in control of your money, you’re not alone. You’d be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. But it’s time for that struggle to end—starting when you take Financial Peace University. In just nine lessons, you’ll learn biblical and commonsense ways of handling money with people just like you! Class starts on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Come and learn how you can beat inflation, pay off debt, save more money, and build wealth. Childcare is available! If you have any questions, you can reach out to Pastor Matt at (503)-602-5748. For more information about FPU, check out THIS VIDEO!

PLEASE HELP US BE GOOD HOSTS - Are you willing to sit closer to the front and in the middle of the rows during the worship gathering on Sundays? Especially during this Advent season, we would appreciate your help leaving open rows and chairs towards the back and on the aisles for our guests or latecomers. Thank you!

OFFICE HOURS - The church office will be closed Wednesday, December 25th and Wednesday, January 1st so our staff can celebrate with their families. We will be open Tuesday and Thursday from 12-4pm. 

YEAR-END GENEROSITY – As we look towards the end of the 2024 year, we want to provide an opportunity for those who would like to donate to Faith Church above and beyond your usual, generous and ongoing offerings. Your year-end, tax deductible gift will go to:

  • Church Family - enable generous response to needs in our church family and community
  • Local Generosity - support outreach efforts that show God's love and proclaim the Gospel to our community
  • Global Missions - bless and encourage each of our missionary families with a financial Christmas gift

Ways to Give: Through our Church Center App, In person boxes on Sunday morning, or text any amount to 84321. Be sure to select the fund, “Special Year End” online, or write it in the memo line of your check.

WORSHIP THROUGH GENEROSITY - God provides for the ministry of Faith Church through your cheerful, willing, and generous giving. Thank you! You can submit your offering in any of three different ways! Through our Church Center App, in the giving boxes on the back wall, or by texting any amount to 84321. All donations are tax deductible. 


November 2024:
Budgeted: $43,422.00
Received: $41,312.45
Expenses: $43,618.73

2024 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $477,642.00
Received: $467,901.35
Expenses: $493,420.51