Weekly Update! 12/15
THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15AM - Join us as we continue into the next Sunday of Advent, turning our hearts towards Jesus, and focusing on the theme of "love."
2023 BUDGET APPROVED - During our congregational meeting on 12/4, official members of Faith Church unanimously approved the 2023 budget proposal. While the budget represents a step of faith and it will require all of us to pull together in our generous giving to meet the budget, we also know that we are in God's good hands and He is faithful. Please continue to be in prayer, asking God for clear guidance and provision for the ministry of Faith Church.
HOLIDAY WORSHIP GATHERINGS - We invite you to join us and we look forward to celebrating together!
- CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS EVE CELEBRATION - Saturday, December 24th, 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Kids of all ages are welcome to join for the whole gathering!
- CHRISTMAS MORNING WORSHIP - Sunday, December 25th, *please note special time* 11:00 - 11:45am. All ages together for a brief time of Scripture reflection, singing and enjoying church family.
- NEW YEARS DAY WORSHIP - Sunday, January 1st, 10:15am. Worship through music, Scriptural encouragement, and sharing together in the Lord's Supper.
YEAR-END GENEROSITY - As 2022 comes to a close, we want to provide an opportunity for you if you would like to donate to Faith Church above and beyond your usual, generous offerings. Here are a few special giving options for your year-end tax-deductible gifts:
- Church Family - refresh children's and youth ministry spaces including decor and classroom equipment
- Local Outreach- a fund that will be used for our outreach efforts here in Dallas, as we continue to live sent.
- International Outreach - help us bless each of our missionary families with a financial Christmas gift.
Ways to Give: Through our Church Center App, In person boxes on Sunday morning, or text any amount to 84321. Be sure to select the fund, “Special Year End,” online or write it in the memo line of your check.
Visit the Giving Tree in the church lobby and take an ornament that represents your choice(s), then give through any of the ways listed above. Take the ornament(s) home as a reminder to pray for these areas of ministry. Thank you so much!
CHRISTMAS CHEER - Our church family has a fun oppor-TUNA-ty to continue our support of Christmas Cheer! As we work together to feed families in Polk County, we will be collecting cans of tuna, along with boxes of tuna helper and hamburger helper through Sunday, December 18th. If you are able, will you please consider bringing some tuna or a box of 'helper' to feed hungry people? Food boxes will be delivered on Christmas Eve morning. If you would like to help pack food boxes, please join us on Christmas Eve morning, 6:00 am at Polk County Fairgrounds. If you or someone you know could use some extra food this year, please sign up here or ask the church office for more information.
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY CLASS - If you’ve ever felt like you just can’t get in control of your money, you’re not alone. You’d be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. But it’s time for that struggle to end—starting when you take Financial Peace University. In just nine lessons, you’ll learn biblical and commonsense ways of handling money with people just like you! Class starts on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Pastor Matt (503)-602-5748. Registration is OPEN on the Church Center App! For more information about FPU, check out THIS VIDEO!
GIVING - You can give to Faith Church three different ways! Through our Church Center App, In person on Sunday mornings, or text any amount to 84321.
November 2022:
Budgeted: $42,276.50
Received: $40,146.72
Expenses: $57,150.92
2022 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $465,041.50
Received: $370,636.40
Expenses: $555,507.08 (Includes $60,110.00 in roofing expenses taken from savings)
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