Weekly Update 1/14

THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15AM - We are excited for you to join us in person or online this Sunday at 10:15am! We are starting a NEW teaching series this Sunday titled "Witnesses." Jesus followers are empowered by the Holy Spirit and commissioned as witnesses to the Good News of the Risen Jesus. We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 10:15am as we begin studying the Bible book titled "Acts." Jesus ascends into heaven, the Holy Spirit comes, Peter preaches, the Church is established, miracles are performed... and that's only the first few chapters! When you check in on the church center app, be sure to select "in person" or "online", depending on where you are joining us from.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING & ELDER ELECTION ON JANUARY 23rd - After the morning worship gathering on January 23rd, there will be a congregational meeting in which official members of Faith Church will be asked to vote in regard to a recommended elder re-election. Mikeal Davis is currently wrapping up a 3-year term (and his 5th year overall) serving on our leadership team as an Elder. The elders unanimously and enthusiastically recommend that Mikeal be re-elected to serve a one-year term in 2022, giving him the maximum 6 consecutive years allowed by Faith Church by-laws. We believe this will bring much-needed continuity at a critical time in the life of our church family. And we ask that you continue to pray for God’s guidance regarding who else He might call to serve on the Elder team in the future. Thank you, church family!  

SPECIAL YEAR END GIVING - Thanks to YOUR overflowing generosity, we will be dividing $11,115.81 evenly between our Missionaries, Benevolent Fund, and Children's Ministry! This is an exciting display of God's provision through you, Church Family! Thank you for going above and beyond your regular giving to bless those here in our Church Family, here in our community, and beyond.

NEW FRIENDS LUNCH - Following our worhsip gathering on February 6th, we will be having a New Friends Lunch for those who are newer to Faith church within the last few months! We want to get to know you, and for you to get to know us! To register, (so we can have enough food for you and childcare if needed) please click on this link! You can also sign up on the church center app! 

A REMINDER ABOUT OUR ONLINE DIRECTORY - We recently launched an online directory! It is accessible on the Church Center app and on your desktop computer. We want to assure you that even though it is an online directory, your information is completely safe. Not only is your personal information only accessible within our church family, you get to decide what information you want to share! If you did not receive an invitation, but would like one, or need help setting it up, please contact info@faithchurchdallas.org

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS & CLOSURES - The church office is open for regular hours, Monday-Thursday, 12-4PM, and closed Fridays. You can also contact us via phone, 503-623-8034, or email, info@faithchurchdallas.org. Feel free to make an appointment to visit with any staff member through their email, or through our info email. 


December 2021:
Budgeted: $47,963.17
Received: $43,925.85
Expenses: $50,073.85

2021 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $575,558.04
Received: $455,249.98
Expenses: $546,450.58