Weekly Update 09/12
JOIN US SUNDAY AT 10:15 FOR "OUTSIDERS INCLUDED" - As we study Jesus' revolutionary teaching in the Gospel of Luke, we'll observe His heart for the marginalized, see His mission "to seek and to save the lost" in action and be challenged to live out the ways of Jesus in our spheres of influence.
NEW FRIENDS LUNCH - Following our worship gathering on October 13th, we will be having a New Friends Lunch for those who are newer to Faith Church within the last 6-12 months! We want to get to know you, and for you to get to know us! To register, (so we can have enough food for you and childcare if needed) please click on this link! You can also sign up on the church center app through the signups tab.
FACILITY MAINTENANCE - We give thanks to God for His provision that has enabled us to catch up on some long overdue facility maintenance projects; new roofing, new HVAC system for Worship Center, painting the Community Center, resurfacing and striping the parking lot, general campus cleanup and more! Thanks to the many volunteers who coordinated and served in contribution to all these projects!
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! - Please join us in thanking and praying for those who, in recent months, took the step of becoming official members of Faith Church, partnering with us in the ministry God has called us to! Daniel and Stacie Coleman, Don Foster, Phyllis Hampton, Bill and Cheryl Lalack, Eric and Ashley McBee, Bob and Juanita Spencer.
PASTOR MATT IS ON SABBATICAL - Our Worship Pastor, Matt Ceiplis, is currently on sabbatical until October. You can read more about pastoral sabbaticals HERE. In the meantime, and with thanks to our many worship team volunteers (and occasional guest worship leaders), we'll continue lifting our voices in worship through music each Sunday. And we encourage you to be praying for Matt and family this summer!
WORSHIP THROUGH GENEROSITY - God provides for the ministry of Faith Church through your cheerful, willing, and generous giving. Thank you! You can submit your offering in any of three different ways! Through our Church Center App, in the giving boxes on the back wall, or by texting any amount to 84321. All donations are tax deductible.
August 2024:
Budgeted: $43,422.00
Received: $47,759.19
Expenses: $61,457.75
2024 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $347,376.00
Received: $323,050.26
Expenses: $361,702.00
Blessings and love upon each and every one of you!
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