Weekly Update! (6/26)

CURRENT TEACHING SERIES - "BY FAITH" – We invite you to join us ONLINE this Sunday as we continue our summer series through Hebrews chapter 11. This Sunday's message, from Hebrews 11:5-6, is titled "An Enoch Walk." 

CHURCH CENTER APP - As we get closer to gathering in person, one of the most helpful tools will be the Church Center App. From there you can give online, connect and message within Life Groups, and stay up to date on current information. There will be more information to come on using this handy app! Please download it to your smartphone as soon as you can, and let us know if you have any questions! 

BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG - There are only a few days left to fill your baby bottles with loose change before collection day on July 1st! You will be able to drop off your filled bottles at the church office on July 1st between the hours of 10am and 3pm. If you have any questions, please contact the church office email, info@faithchurchdallas.org. 

RESUME GATHERING IN PERSON - TARGET DATE AUGUST 2ND - Polk County is officially in Phase 2! That means that Faith Church continues on our path toward our TARGET DATE of resuming Sunday worship gatherings IN OUR BUILDING on August 2nd. Here's Pastor Derek's update in case you missed it. 

FCS AUCTION UPDATE - FCS is overwhelmed and so thankful for the success of our online auction event earlier this month. In unprecedented circumstances the Lord was gracious and the auction raised just under $50,000. We want to say a special thank you to our Faith Church family for your support and participation in this event! We are hopeful we will return to our in person event next year, but we are so thankful we were able to raise these important funds to help fund the Parent Teacher Fellowship and Scholarships next year. Blessings to you all! - Gretchen Post, auction chair, and the Parent Teacher Fellowship. 



May 2020:
Budgeted: $56,875.17
Received: $47,239.12
Expenses: $39,627.36

2020 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $284,375.85
Received: $208,101.07
Expenses: $253,137.18