Weekly Update! (2/28)

THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15am- Rev. Bruce Martin, our Pacific Northwest Evangelical Free Church District Superintendent will be with us to share from God Word. In this unique season we want to harness it for spiritual gains.  That through hardships we grow best.  As the early church faced their challenges with an understanding that Jesus Christ is God and alive, "they were cut to the heart,"  (Acts 2:37)  We are inviting God to use this unique season to unleash God's Word in us cutting to the heart, so that as a Master Surgeon, it is done so we can be healed. 

SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING THIS SUNDAY- Please join us this Sunday, February 28th, for an important church family meeting, to be held immediately following the worship gathering. The purpose for this meeting will be to make a decision about PPP funds received in 2020. You should have received a question-and-answer report via email earlier this week from the elders and the PPP committee. If you have not received this, please contact the church office at info@faithchurchdallas.org or we will have printed copies on Sunday as well.
You can CLICK HERE to register to attend either in person, or online via Zoom. You can also sign up through your Church Center app. Registration will close Sunday the 28th at 10am, and those who signed up for Zoom will receive their link shortly thereafter. 

INVITATION TO PRAYER UPDATE- It has been encouraging and provided hope knowing fellow believers have come together and demonstrated unity corporately, as we have engaged individually, in this spiritual discipline. We know God has been pleased by a resolved effort to demonstrate a greater need for Him by attempting to align our prayer lives with His desires rather than pursuing our own agendas. We are counting on an increased awareness of our own sin, yet amazed by His generous grace. Some of us are extending our commitment up through our next couple of church family meetings in March. We would count it a joy to have you join us (Text Lori Schilling: 503-999-1018 or Shelli Hattan:503-623-7778, so we have each day of the week covered). "So we fasted and implored our God for this and He heard our entreaty" Ezra 8:23

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS & CLOSURES- Our office will be closed to the public until further notice. If you have questions or a need, please contact us via phone, 503-623-8034, or email, info@faithchurchdallas.org.


January 2021:

Budgeted: $47,963.17

Received: $40,928.31

Expenses: $41,186.08