Weekly Update! (2/21)

THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15am- Here is a message from Pastor Ed: “This Sunday our speaker will be Troy Hattan.  Occupationally a Christian physical therapist and gifted as a teacher of God’s Word.  He has been a member of the Faith Church family since 1998 and much of that time taught in our Adult ministry.  As Pastor Derek was preparing to go on respite, I was asked who might we ask from our congregation to speak during the worship service in addition to pastoral staff?  Troy Hattan was the first person that came to my mind.  Little did I know, at the same time God was stirring Troy with a message, if the door was opened to him.  Troy did not seek me, but after a second conversation where his name came to the surface, I contacted and met with him.  That is what brings us to hearing from Troy this Sunday.    Troy is not just a student of the Bible, but he sincerely looks to integrate it in his thinking so that it informs him about his decisions.  Thank you, Troy, for ministering to us this Sunday.”

RED SUNDAY IS THIS SUNDAY- Valentine's Day is the time of year that gives us a perfect opportunity to discuss 'LOVE' with our children - specifically what the world says about love and what God says about love - His truth - and His plan.  We do this on 'Red Sunday.' We invite kids and grown-ups to wear RED (or pink!) - and to bring a valentine to share. We use these as fun starting points for our 'love discussion.'  We have snacks and activities during our class time to remind our kids 'it's all about love!' If you'll consider giving a treat or your time, please sign up here. If you have questions please text/ call or email Debbie at 503.932.2294 or debbie@faithchurchdallas.org. We are so thankful for the Hope we have in Jesus and His great love for us. We are excited for a day to remind us to share that love with others! Your kids (and you!) are so loved!

INVITATION TO PRAYER- You are invited to join the church wide movement of setting aside time each week to focus our attention and dependence on the Lord through prayer and fasting. Fasting is usually done by refraining from food for a certain amount of time, with the intent of growing closer to Christ.  However, fasting can take many different forms.  Please feel free to fast from whatever you would like:  it could be food, coffee, tv, social media, etc.; it just needs to be something that is of sacrifice for you and causes you to focus your thoughts and prayers on Jesus.  It should be something that you rely on more than God.

A different group will cover a day of the week with prayer and fasting so that collectively, the church is fasting every day of the week with the following areas of focus: Monday- Wisdom, Tuesday- Discernment, Wednesday- Hunger for God's Word, Thursday- Repentance/submission, Friday- Spiritual armor, Saturday- Unity and Sunday- Loving one another.

In Joel 2:12-14 we are called to fast: "Even now," declares the Lord, "return to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.  Rend your heart and not your garments.  Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity.  Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing- grain offerings and drink offerings for the Lord your God."

Thank you for humbly joining in this fast as we seek the Lord and focus on our need toward dependence on God.  We praise the Lord for your faithfulness and are so thankful for you! If you have any questions, please contact Shelli Hattan at 503-623-7778 or Lori Schilling at 503-999-1018.

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS & CLOSURES- Our office will be closed to the public until further notice. If you have questions or a need, please contact us via phone, 503-623-8034, or email, info@faithchurchdallas.org.


January 2021:
Budgeted: $47,963.17
Received: $40,928.31
Expenses: $41,186.08