Weekly Update! (12/4)

THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15am– We invite you to join us ONLINE or IN PERSON this Sunday at 10:15am. This Sunday's sermon is titled: "More Blessed." Join us for our second Sunday of Advent, where we will focus on Faith. When you check in on the church center app, be sure to select IN PERSON or ONLINE, depending on where you are joining us from.

CHRISTMAS CHEER - We, as a church family, have another amazing oppor-TUNA-ty to help feed families in Polk County by collecting TUNA for Christmas Cheer. We have a short collection window this year - but we welcome cans of tuna until our deadline on December 13th. If you are able, please help us feed hungry people! Christmas Cheer provides food boxes to the great people of Polk County each year; families, singles, and seniors. Due to Covid - we are doing things a little differently this year, but are still excited about the opportunity to share the joy of Christmas. If you or someone you know could benefit from a little extra this year, and/or you would like to volunteer to serve, please sign up or share THIS LINK.

CHRISTMAS TREE FAMILY PHOTO FUN - We thought it would be a super fun way to spread Christmas joy to our church family this year by taking a still photo of your Christmas tree, decorations at home, or your family in front of any of these things, and sending it in to us! We'll take your pictures and put them all together for a special Christmas slideshow for all our Church family to enjoy. Break out those decorating skills and show us your beautiful trees and families! Feel free to upload your pictures to our Google Drive, or email them to info@faithchurchdallas.org. We can't wait to share in this together! Please submit all pictures by December 20th.

UPCOMING CONGREGATIONAL MEETING - During our December 13th congregational meeting to be held on Zoom at 1:00pm, official members of Faith Church will be asked to vote in regard to the proposed 2021 budget and have an opportunity to re-elect two elders, Marty Friesen and Grant Boustead, to a second 3-year term. If you would like to know more about the topics and meetings mentioned here, and you did not receive the recent "Upcoming Congregational Meeting" email letter from the elders, please let us know.

ADVENT ACTIVITIES - Need help with some activities to do for Advent as a family? We've got you covered! You can find more information HERE.

CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR OUR MISSIONARIES - Between now and December 6th, we invite you to contribute to a special offering that will be used to give our missionaries a Christmas gift. Our missionaries are Ben & Jeanne Beckner, Eric & Judith Hedeen, Gail Posenjak, Darren & Gina Lindblom, Dave & Mel Proctor, and Tyler and Jennifer Church. If you would like to make a donation that is above and beyond your ongoing financial support of our church, you can do so on the Church Center app (click "Give") or online at www.faithchurchdallas.org/give - please select the "Missionary Christmas" designation. You can also contribute by checks made out to Faith Church with "Missionary Christmas" in the note. Thank you for your kindness to our missionaries!

PASSING OF A CHURCH FAMILY MEMBER - On November 23, Lee Suderman went home to be with his beloved Jesus. Please be in prayer for his wife, Marylin, and his daughter and son-in-law, Chris and Doug Mollerstuen as they grieve. Lee was always ready to give an answer for the reason for the hope that he had to everyone; children, people in his professional and daily life, and anyone who asked. From building church and school library shelves, turning wooden bowls for the school auction, ministering to children, teaching an adult Bible Study in his home, to putting chairs back out on the worship center floor for Sunday, Lee was a faithful servant of Jesus Christ.  He modeled a willing heart to serve. His presence will be deeply missed. 

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS & CLOSURES - Our office will be closed to the public until further notice. If you have questions or a need, please contact us via phone, 503-623-8034, or email, info@faithchurchdallas.org.



Budgeted: $56,875.17
Received: $42,061.53
Expenses: $51,363.82

2020 Year-to-Date:
Budgeted: $625,626.87
Received: $455,718.57
Expenses: $568,412.17