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Weekly Update! 02/13

JOIN US THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15 AMfor"What We Believe,"a new series exploring our Statement of Faith. Each week, we'll hear what the Bible teaches about these core beliefs that unite us and how they impact our faith, purpose, and daily lives. This series will help us understand what we believe, why it matters, and how it guides us to follow Jesus. "WHAT WE BELIEVE"RESOURCES-...

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Weekly Update! 2/6/2025

JOIN US THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15 AMfor"What We Believe,"a new series exploring our Statement of Faith. Each week, we'll hear what the Bible teaches about these core beliefs that unite us and how they impact our faith, purpose, and daily lives. This series will help us understand what we believe, why it matters, and how it guides us to follow Jesus. "WHAT WE BELIEVE" RESOURCES...

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"What We Believe" Resouces

This post includes various resources related to our current teaching series through our Statement of Faith...

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Weekly Update! 1/30

Keep reading to see about all the great things happening at Faith Church this week!...

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Weekly Update! 1/23

JOIN US THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15 AMas we continue our teaching series entitled "Faith Church: Our Story, Our Mission, Our Part." Explore the rich history of the EFCA and Faith Church, uncovering how our roots shape our current identity and mission. Discover what Faith Church is all about and who God has called us to be. Finally, learn about the opportunity we have to partner t...

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Weekly Update! 1/16

Keep reading to discover what's going on at Faith Church!...

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Weekly Update! 1/9/2025

JOIN US THIS SUNDAY AT 10:15AMas we kickoff a new 3-part teaching series titled "Faith Church: Our Story, Our Mission, Our Part." Explore the rich history of the EFCA and Faith Church, uncovering how our roots shape our current identity and mission. Discover what Faith Church is all about and who God has called us to be. Finally, learn about the opportunity we have to part...

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Weekly Update! 1/2

Keep reading to see how Faith Church is starting off 2025!...

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New Friends Lunch Correction! 12/31

Please see below for the correction on our New Friends Lunch date!...

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Weekly Update! 12/26

Keep reading to see what is happening at Faith Church!...

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